Moline High School - Class of '53

Joye (Hamm) Malmstrom

Joye (Hamm) Malmstrom at computer

Aug 2005 - Joye says one of her favorite comments is:
"Computers. . .Love to Hate them."

However, you have to wonder if that is really true. Being mostly self taught through trial and error and getting some help from computer Gurus, she spends many hours at the computer trying to develop, maintain and keep the MHS '53 web site up and running.

She also encourages classmates to become active participants in the free MHS '53 Group E Mail Program so they can have the opportunity to stay in contact with each other.

Old Dogs...New Tricks

This site run by MHS '53 classmates for MHS '53 classmates
Copyright © 2007 Moline High School Class of 1953